Карты «De la Rue» с персонажами из «Алисы в Стране чудес» (ок. 1898)

Рубрика: «Иллюстраторы Льюиса Кэрролла»

Колода карт «Новая и занимательная игра по Алисе в Стране чудес» («The New and Diverting Game of Alice in Wonderland», Thomas De la Rue & Co. Ltd, около 1898). Колоду оформила Эмили Гертруда Томсон (Emily Gertrude Thomson) на основе иллюстраций Джона Тенниела.

Колода состояла из сорока восьми карт и делилась на шестнадцать наборов по три карты в каждом. Карты одного набора имели разные рисунки, но одинаковые номера. Целью игроков было быстрее остальных собрать все карты из одного набора.

Правила игры (на англ.яз.):

«The pack consists of forty-eight cards, viz., sixteen sets of three cards each, all three bearing the same number. One card in each set is a Leading card, and shows on its face the titles of the other two cards; thus, the Leading card, “Alice swimming in her own tears,” tells you to find the card with “ Mouse” and the card with “Crab,” which complete that set.
The game may be played by several — the more the merrier. The cards having been first shuffled and cut, are dealt one at a time face downwards to each player in rotation, until the pack is exhausted. The players then arrange their cards, and tho-e who can make up complete sets from their hands before actual play begins, do so and lay the sets face down¬wards on the table. The player to the dealer’s left begins the play by exposing a Leading card on the table, and then calls upon anyone he pleases to hand him one of the cards required to make up the set. If successful, and he can complete the set from his own hand, he must do so; but if he cannot, he must make another call on the same or some other player, for the remaining card of the set. But should he ask a player for a card which he has not got, he then forfeits one card to the player so challenged, and the player next on his left takes up the play. When a player has succeeded in completing a set, he may expose another Leading card, and go on asking until he incurs a forfeiture. If a player, when his turn comes round to play, has not got a Leading card either in his hand or exposed on the table, he forfeits* a card to the one who played last, and the one to his left goes on with the play. But if a player, having played in his turn, and completed a set, then finds himself without a Leading card, he does not forfeit, but the play passes to the player on his left. No player must expose more than one Lead¬ing card at a time, and must complete that set before exposing another. When a player has exhausted all his cards except a Leading card, exposed on the table, that card is forfeited to the player whom he unsuccessfully challenges for a card of the same set.
The winner of the game is the one who completes the most sets».
* — «Forfeits», by allowing a card to be drawn from his hand unseen by the opponent.


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Автор и координатор проекта «ЗАЗЕРКАЛЬЕ им. Л. Кэрролла» — Сергей Курий

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